Printable Reverse Mortgage Guides

Reverse Mortgage InfographicSimple Reverse Mortgage Guide
Be sure to check out our new, simple visual guide to reverse mortgages.

(It is also available for other lenders to post on their website. Follow the instructions after clicking the link).


frequestly asked questions about reverse mortgages: download our free consumer guides hereJust the FAQ’s: Answers to Common Questions About Reverse Mortgages

Source: NRMLA (PDF file)
This easy-to-understand guide provides information about reverse mortgages, the loan application process, fees and interest charges, how much is owed when a reverse mortgage comes due, and consumer protections.
nrmla guide to aging in place
The NRMLA Guide to Aging in Place
Source: NRMLA (PDF file)
The following booklet provides information on home modification strategies and other helpful products and services designed to help older homeowners age in place.



using reverse mortgages to fund healthcare
This guide helps explain how reverse mortgages can be used to help pay for your health care needs and preserve your financial security.



AARP brochure on reverse mortgages
AARP outlines basic questions about Reverse Mortgages (HECM), including HECM costs, HECM eligibility, HECM benefits and HECM repayment. It also outlines the importance of family and heirs in the reverse mortgage decision making process.
AARP brochure on reverse mortgages
Reverse Mortgage Brochure
Source: MLS Reverse Mortgage (PDF file)
An overview of Reverse Mortgages
brochure for our purchase reverse mortgage
As of Jan 1 2009 HUD began to allow for the use of reverse mortgages to purchase a home. This is exciting news to Senior Americans who have wanted to purchase a new residence, those who wish to downsize or move closer to family and friends.
HECM For PurchasePurchase Reverse Mortgage Guide
Considering a Reverse Mortgage
Source: CFPB