
Reverse Mortgage Policy Changes Increase Principal Limits and Protect Non-Borrowing Spouses

If you have been considering accessing the equity in your home with a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) loan, now may be a great time to act. A recent policy change may mean that you can qualify for more loan proceeds. HUD recently released Mortgagee Letter 2014-12 which included new Principal Limits Factors (PLF) for non-borrowing spouses under …

HUD Releases Changes to the HECM Reverse Mortgage Program

After much anticipation and speculation, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released a multitude of changes to the HECM program. “These changes to reverse mortgages will protect consumers,” according to Carol Galante, Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Commissioner and Assistant Secretary for Housing. The following is a summary of the changes that were announced …

HUD to Eliminate The Fixed Rate Standard Reverse Mortgage

After much speculation, HUD announced the future elimination date of the Fixed Rate Standard Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM). For new case numbers assigned on or after April 1, 2013, any homeowner seeking a fixed rate reverse mortgage will be limited to the Fixed Rate Saver Program. HUD also notes that all fixed rate standard loans must …

CFPB Reverse Mortgage Report: What You Need to Know

You’d be hard pressed to do an online search for reverse mortgage information today without coming across an article about a recent landmark government report on the product and the lenders who offer it. The CFPB reverse mortgage report spans more than 200 pages of research recently conducted by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and …

Reverse Mortgages Have 2 Notes and 2 Deeds of Trust

When it comes to signing final reverse mortgage loan documents, borrowers are often concerned when the notary presents them with two Deeds of Trust (or mortgages, depending on the location of the property) and a First and Second Note. To further complicate it, the Deed of Trust shows an amount much higher than anticipated and …

Comparing Fixed Rate and Adjustable Rate Reverse Mortgages

Adjustable Rate Reverse Mortgages Explained Adjustable rate reverse mortgages (also referred to as variable rate reverse mortgages) offer much more product flexibility than fixed rate loans for the simple fact that fixed loans require that the borrower take all the available proceeds in a one-time lump sum draw at closing, while adjustable rate loans allow …

Reverse Mortgages and Retirement Planning

How do Reverse Mortgages fit in with overall retirement planning? As the number of baby boomers entering retirement continues to grow, many are faced with the challenge of figuring out how to use their assets wisely. There are a wide range of considerations when planning for retirement, including figuring out where you want to live …

Using a Reverse Mortgage To Pay For In-Home Care

As the cost of long-term care continues to rise, many people are turning to in-home care as a less expensive alternative to moving into a retirement community. A recent study from Genworth Financial found the median monthly cost of an assisted living facility is $3,300 and has increased 6% since 2011. In contrast, the national …

Reverse Mortgage Financial Assessment

A hallmark of the reverse mortgage program is that historically, it hasn’t included any credit or income requirements for the borrower. But that may change, and some lenders have already implemented—and then revoked—guidelines determining applicants’ eligibility for this type of loan. Reverse mortgage financial assessment stems from ongoing discussion about ways to protect HECM borrowers from …