
HECM Loan Limit Increase Included in Stimulus Plan

We are pleased to announce that the draft of the economic recovery bill released by the House of Representatives late yesterday contains a provision, inserted in response to a request that came jointly from NRMLA and AARP, that would set the single national loan limit for HECM at a higher level than $417,000–for the balance …

Social Security Administration Promoting Online Retirement Tool

The Social Security Administration just announced a new application that allows qualified individuals to register for Social Security benefits online in as little as 15 minutes. The SSA will be hosting a free demonstration–Retire Online. It’s So Easy!–on January 29 at 2 p.m. To RSVP, please visit http://www.socialsecurity.gov/survey/retireonlinersvp.htm. Be sure to invite your clients and …